Step 1 : Configuration
You can configure the default settings of your calendars from your loaner stockroom in the
“Default Values” section.
- Hourly increment on calendar : Allows you to set the hourly increment. The possible values are 30 minutes, 1 hour and 2 hours. The default value is 1 hour.
- Week day start on calendar : Allows you to set the start day of the week for the calendars. The default value is Sunday.
- Show closed periods on calendar : This setting allows closed periods and days to be shown on a calendar.
Step 2 : Using the calendars
Navigate to the loaner section and choose your stockroom. On the right hand side of the loaner list, you will see multiple icons allowing you to toggle between the different calendar views.
List View
The list view is the default view when acessing the list of loaners. All the relative information tied to loaners is displayed in a typical grid, which can give a quick overview of all loaners in the system, spanning multiple days, weeks and months.
Timeline View
The timeline view is very useful to quickly see which items have been reserved or loaned out for the day. Below, we can see that an Epson item has been reserved from 12:30 pm to 4 pm.
It is also possible to quickly reserve loaners for the selected day by clicking on the + icon next to the item. This will open the new reservation/loaner screen for the selected item on the selected day, saving a few clicks.
Day View
Similar to the timeline view, the day view allows a quick overview of the loaners for the day. The difference between the timeline and day view is that the day view will combine all items of a loaner into a single event.
Week View
The week view displays all loaners for a given week. Loaners that spread over multiple days will show across multiple days. This view is useful when trying to see the workload for any given week.
Month View
The month view displays loaners across a monthly calendar, giving a high level overview of the upcoming loaners for any given month. This view is useful to anticipate the future needs of assets and rooms, as well as possibly managing staff affected to the stockroom for moments of heavy volume.