In Hector, you can restrict the access to a stockroom’s inventory by staff member. This can be useful for organizations that have multiple locations but do not want their staff members to have access to the entire inventory.
- Having added the users in the database (Azure / Active Directory / One Login / Google)
- Having defined the users roles
Procedure to limit the access to stockroom by staff member (Inventory management + Loans) :
- Assign the role “Limited Staff” to technicians who need to be able to manage the inventory of specific stockrooms
- Add the technicians to the staff members box of the stockrooms in question (Inventory – Stockroom – Edit – Permissions)
- To avoid giving them access to other locations, it is important that the “All” option is not displayed in the box for other stockrooms. To do this, add the responsible staff members to the other stockrooms. If no technician is responsible, add an administrator.
*An administrator or regular staff does not need to be added to a stockroom’s box. They will be able to manage inventory and loans. However, they will not receive notifications it they aren’t added.

Procedure to restrict access to loan management only :
- Assign the “User” role to technicians who should only be able to manage loans from a specific stocroom. They will not have access to inventory management, only to actions that concern loans.
- Add the technicians in the staff members box of the stockrooms in question (Inventory – Stockroom – Edit – Permissions)
Procedure to allow online reservation of users

- Create departments and groups under the Resources menu (you can also import your departments and groups from Azure)
- Go to Inventory – Stockroom – Edit – Permissions and select all the departments and user groups you want to give access to the online reservation for this specific stockroom.
Here is a decision tree for understanding the impact of groups on departments :
User 1: Department A, Group A
Stockroom 1: Department: All, Group: All => Access Yes
Stockroom 1: Department: All, Group: None=> Access No
Stockroom 1: Department: B, Group: A => Access No
Stockroom 1: Department: Department: A, Group: B => Access No
Stockroom 1: Department: Department: A, Group: A => Access yes