With Hector, it is now possible to activate loaners by stockroom, in order to allow users, employees, work sites, clients or event students to reserve equipment.
Below you will find instructions on how to allow loaners by stockroom in your Hector instance.
Activate the loaner module in your instance
Step 1 – Stockroom creation
Create a stockroom from the Stockrooms section.
Step 2 – Fill in the form
In the form, enter the necessary information to create your stockroom, including name, description and a city.
Once completed, click on the “Allow Loaners” checkbox. New sections will appear, with information to configure how loans work for this stockroom.
Step 3 – Define the parameters
Staff: Choose the people who will look after the assets and loans in your organization. They will also receive emails according to the rules defined in the “Notifications” section.
For more details, see this article explaining the configuration of access permissions by stockroom.
Step 4 – Set loaners parameters
In the loaners section, you can activate and manage the notifications that applicants and your staff members will receive by email.
Public reservation link: A link that you can share publicly. It is very important to remember that the person with whom you share the link must have an account in your instance of Hector.
Allow recurrent loaners on the public reservation page: Allows users to make a recurring booking (daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly) from the public booking page.
Allow multi reservation for the same item: This allows a user to make more than one asset reservation for the same item.
Allow a reservation to go over a closed period: Allows a user to make a reservation that crosses a period when the stockroom is closed.
Display a color for each status: For stockroom with a lot of reservations and loans in progress, the color allows you to quickly distinguish between the different statuses.
Allow returns to another stockroom: When returning a loan, it is possible to choose a different stockroom. Can be useful if you have a stockroom to perform asset tasks, such as repair or cleanup.
Allow requester to see the previous requester for the same item: Allow a user to view the previous loan requestor of an item. Can be useful when transferring items between two consecutive lenders.
Auto add to cart: Functionality allowing an asset to be automatically added to the loan basket when scanning it if it is available. Accessible on the loan window by the staff member.
Allow Consumption: Allows consumption of assets when lending.
Maximum/minimum reservation duration: Allows you to limit the reservation time of an asset in the store.
Maximum/minimum reservation delay: Corresponds to the minimum or maximum time before a reservation can be made.
Buffer time before or after a reservation: Corresponds to the time between the return of a loan and the start date of the next reservation. Can be useful for checking the status of hardware.
You can also add a link to a loan policy: If you have a loan policy, upload it from your computer, otherwise leave blank because this field is not mandatory.
Step 5 – Set your open hours
Open hours: Indicate the opening hours of the loan service (may vary from day to day).
Time allowed on the public loan page (in minutes): Allows you to set a timer for disconnecting from the public loan page.
Step 6 – Define approvals and messages
You can customize your management of loans with a status awaiting approval.
You can also write your own messages, which can be sent to a user when requesting a loan.
Step 7 – Set notifications
In this section, you can customize your notifications by checking the desired boxes.
Step 8 – Stockrooms list
Once the stockroom is created, it will show in the list of stockrooms. A checkmark indicates that the stockroom also allows loaners.
Next Step – Add asset in stockroom
Once assets will be added, it will be possible to manage loaners and reservations.